

Acide Docosahexaénoque, Antarctic Krill Oil, Concentré de Protéines Marines, Acides Gras Omega 3, Acides Gras N-3, Acides Gras Polyinsaturés, Acides Gras W3, Euphausia Superba Oil, Euphausiacé, Euphausiids Oil, DHA, Docosahexaenoic Acid, EPA, Euphausia Superba Oil, Krill Oil, Antarctic Krill Oil, Omega 3 Oil, Marine Protein Concentrate, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, and W-3 Fatty Acids are some of the fatty acids that are present in this oil.

Krill Oil

Made from the tiny, shrimp-like sea crustaceans known as krill, krill oil is a dietary supplement. It contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids called omega-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). It is well recognized that omega-3 fatty acids may have a number of health advantages, including boosting brain and heart health as well as lowering inflammation.

In comparison to other marine sources like fish oil, krill oil is frequently touted as a more effective and readily assimilated source of omega-3 fatty acids. The following are a few possible advantages of krill oil:

Heart health:

Studies have indicated that omega-3 fatty acids improve cardiovascular function by lowering blood pressure, reducing triglyceride levels, and supporting heart health.

Brain health:

DHA, one of the omega-3 fatty acids present in krill oil, is crucial for the growth and operation of the brain. It is thought to promote memory, cognitive function, and general brain health.


Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory qualities and could aid in reducing chronic inflammation in the body, which is linked to a number of illnesses, including arthritis.

Joint health:

According to some research, krill oil may help reduce joint pain and stiffness brought on by diseases like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Controlling cholesterol:

It has been discovered that krill oil improves lipid profiles by raising levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or the “good” cholesterol while lowering levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or the “bad” cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

Although there is some data suggesting that krill oil may have some advantages, additional research is necessary to completely comprehend its effects and establish the best dosages. Before beginning krill oil or any other new supplement, it is advised to speak with a healthcare expert to be sure it is safe for you and won’t interact with any prescriptions or pre-existing health concerns. This is recommended for all dietary supplements.

Uses Krill Oil

As a nutritional supplement, krill oil is primarily utilized to offer a supply of omega-3 fatty acids. Krill oil is frequently used for the following purposes:

Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids:

EPA and DHA, in particular, are found in krill oil, an omega-3 fatty acid source. These fats are regarded as vital nutrients that the body requires for a variety of processes. Omega-3 fatty acids must be obtained through diet or supplements because the body cannot manufacture them on its own.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been investigated for their possible cardiovascular benefits. 2. Heart health. They might enhance blood lipid profiles, lower triglyceride levels, and promote general heart health. For people at risk of cardiovascular problems or as part of a heart-healthy diet, krill oil is frequently used.

Brain function and mental health:

DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid present in krill oil, is a significant component of brain tissue and is essential for the growth and operation of the brain. According to some research, taking supplements of omega-3 fatty acids, such as krill oil, may help with memory function, mood stability, and cognitive performance.

Joint health and inflammation:

Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory characteristics and may help lessen chronic inflammation in the body. As a result, krill oil may be advantageous for those with inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Krill oil is taken by some people to lessen joint discomfort and increase joint mobility.

Skin health:

By assisting with moisture retention, lowering inflammation, and preserving skin suppleness, omega-3 fatty acids are also thought to help healthy skin. It is occasionally used to enhance skin health and treat ailments including dryness and eczema.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that while krill oil may have some potential advantages, individual outcomes may differ and that scientific study is still being done to better understand its applications and effectiveness. Before beginning any new dietary supplement, it is advised to speak with a medical practitioner to be sure it is suitable for your individual needs and circumstances.

Side Effects

When consumed in the prescribed doses, krill oil is usually regarded as safe for the majority of people. But it might have adverse effects, just like any dietary supplement. The following are a few potential negative effects of krill oil:

Allergic reactions:

Some people may be allergic to krill or shellfish, and in rare instances, allergic reactions can happen. Rash, itching, swelling, lightheadedness, or breathing difficulties are just a few possible symptoms. It’s vital to avoid krill oil if you have a known shellfish allergy or seek medical advice before using it.

Digestive problems:

When taking krill oil, some people may develop gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea, stomach pain, indigestion, or bloating. Even though these side effects are typically minor and short-lived, it is best to see a doctor if they worsen or continue.

Blood thinning:

Like other omega-3 fatty acid supplements, krill oil may have a slight blood-thinning impact. While some people may benefit from this, those who take blood-thinning drugs or have bleeding problems may see an increase in bleeding risk. It’s crucial to talk with your doctor about using krill oil if you have a bleeding issue or are taking drugs that alter blood coagulation.

Burping or aftertaste that tastes or smells like fish:

Some people may experience burping or an aftertaste that tastes or smells like fish after consuming krill oil. This is a frequent adverse effect, although it can be decreased by taking the supplement with food or by selecting enteric-coated capsules, which lessen the possibility of burping or aftertaste.


If you’re going to have surgery soon, it’s best to stop using krill oil a few weeks beforehand. Omega-3 fatty acids in krill oil have a blood-thinning impact that may prevent blood from clotting properly during and after surgery.

Drug interactions:

several pharmaceuticals, including several antiplatelet, anticoagulant, and blood pressure medications, may interact with krill oil. To prevent any interactions, it’s crucial to let your healthcare provider know about all the drugs, vitamins, and herbal remedies you’re currently using.

Pregnancy and nursing:

when omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for the development of the fetus and nursing, it is advised to speak with a healthcare provider before using krill oil during pregnancy or when nursing. They can advise you on the right dosage and guarantee that it’s secure for both you and your infant.


Unless expressly prescribed by a medical expert, krill oil supplements are not advised for newborns and young children. The best course of action is to speak with a pediatrician before introducing any dietary supplements to kids.

It’s vital to remember that these precautions may change based on personal medical history and medicines. A healthcare practitioner should always be consulted before beginning any new dietary supplement, including krill oil. They can offer advice that is tailored to your unique health requirements and circumstances.

The right amount of krill oil to take depends on a number of variables, including the person’s age, health, and the particular product being utilized. It is always advisable to adhere to the dosage recommendations listed on the product label by the manufacturer. For individualized dosing advice, it is advised to speak with a healthcare expert if you are unsure or if you have certain health concerns.

As a result, the normal daily intake of krill oil for adults is between 1,000 and 2,000 milligrams (mg). This typically offers 200–400 mg of combined EPA and DHA, the two major omega-3 fatty acids present in krill oil. It’s important to keep in mind that different krill oil supplement brands and formulations can have different amounts of omega-3.

Depending on the child’s age and weight, the dosage might be reduced. To decide on the right dosage for kids, it’s essential to speak with a pediatrician.

Do not exceed the suggested dosage unless specifically instructed to do so by a healthcare provider. Any omega-3 supplement, including krill oil, taken in excess can increase the risk of negative side effects or possible drug interactions.

Additionally, it is typically advised to take krill oil with a meal to improve absorption and reduce the possibility of gastrointestinal adverse effects like burping or a fishy aftertaste.

In the end, it’s critical to speak with a healthcare provider who can evaluate your unique medical requirements and make tailored advice regarding the right krill oil dosage for you.


What are the benefits of krill oil?

Research has shown that the omega-3s in krill oil help prevent heart attacks and strokes. Studies also show that krill oil helps lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels, which are both risk factors for heart disease. One study has shown a link between omega-3 consumption and reduced levels of anxiety.

Is krill oil halal?

The leading and most researched krill oil brand is now available with a halal certification, a high quality and widely recognized certification label.

Is krill the same as fish oil?

While fish oil is derived from fatty fish, krill oil is made from tiny crustaceans called Antarctic krill. Some studies have shown that krill oil may be better absorbed by the body and more effective at improving risk factors for heart disease. However, more studies are needed to confirm these findings.

Is krill oil good for sperm?

The consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is helpful for fertility issues such as low sperm count and immotility. Taking a krill oil supplement may lower LH levels (luteinizing hormone), increase sperm count, and improve semen volume.

What’s krill oil made from?

Krill oil is extracted from the bodies of Antarctic krill — tiny shrimp-like shellfish — and can be taken in capsules. Like fatty fish and fish oil supplements, krill oil capsules contain the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Is krill oil safe?

Krill oil is considered a relatively safe supplement. Taking krill oil, especially in high doses, may affect blood clotting. However, studies have shown that fish and krill oil supplementation didn’t cause side effects in those taking blood-thinning medications. It also doesn’t seem to affect people undergoing surgery.

Does krill oil affect kidneys?

In this respect, krill oil is an effective biological product to prevent damage to kidney tissue and protect kidney tissue. In this, krill oil can be a nephroprotective food supplement that may contribute to the treatment of toxicities.

Does krill oil have side effects?

When taken by mouth: Krill oil is possibly safe when used for up to 6 months. Side effects might include stomach upset, decreased appetite, heartburn, fishy burps, bloating, diarrhea, and nausea.

Is krill oil a blood thinner?

“Fish oil and krill oil are known to have blood-thinning effects,” says Ilic. “So for people who take blood thinners, so check with your doctor before taking omega-3 supplements.” And if you plan on having surgery, skip the krill oil.

Does krill oil improve skin?

Along with Phospholipids, Krill oil consists of a powerhouse nutrient called Astaxanthin, which is found in certain types of algae that is commonly consumed by Krills. It’s a magic ingredient that helps with moisture and ensure your skin is more luminous among other benefits.

Does krill oil raise blood sugar?

Krill oil may help control blood sugar levels. In a recent study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that compared krill oil and fish oil, the evidence suggested that krill oil was more effective at reducing blood glucose levels.

Does krill oil help hair?

These benefits are also applied to your hair. The hydration boost to your skin will also be noticed in your scalp. So if you suffer from dandruff or dry scalp adding a krill oil supplement is highly recommended. It also provides that same moisture to your hair shaft, reducing hair loss and breakage.

Does krill oil have folic acid?

Krill contains many valuable substances – proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals and vitamins. It is rich in water- and fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, B1, B2, B12, folic acid and pantothenic acid, as well as biotin and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Is krill oil more powerful than fish oil?

It found that both fish oil and krill oil improved several heart disease risk factors. However, they also found that krill oil was more effective than fish oil at lowering blood sugar, triglycerides and “bad” LDL cholesterol.

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